Different Strokes Charity Cycle Ride
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Monday, 24 May 2010

6 turns into 7

On Sunday we cycled the same 42 miles of last week, but in the reverse direction. 6 of us started and we met a lonely Hugh going the other way on the Greenway, he turned round to join us.

We did a photo shoot in the morning for my old school magazine, before Hugh joined us.

Graham, Brian, Liz, Me, Steve & Vanessa

'Lycra' Liz looking sharp with her new racer. But a couple of miles later she ended up cutting off the rear mudguard with first aid scissors.

We briefly stopped at the Stratford-Upon-Avon Dragon Boat Race: 2 boats overflowing with oarsmen and a coxswain, racing each other to the sound of a solitary drummer. On land the ‘Sambassadors of Groove’ played in the band stand. There was a great festival ambience. Steve and I could have stayed there all afternoon, drinking beer and soaking up the atmosphere but the others had different idea – On your bikes!

I cycled 103 miles last week!! & I feel fine as one could.

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